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Debate – Is Oxygen the Primary Determinant in the FLASH Effect?
Thursday, 1 December 2022 | 17:00 – 17:45 CET

Michele Kim
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Radiation Oncology, USAMichele Kim
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Radiation Oncology, USACo-Chair

Pierre Montay-Gruel
University of Antwerp, CORE - AReRO - Radiation Oncology, BelgiumPierre Montay-Gruel
University of Antwerp, CORE - AReRO - Radiation Oncology, BelgiumFOR

Marco Durante
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenfroschung, Biophysics, GermanyMarco Durante
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenfroschung, Biophysics, Germany
Bethany Rothwell
University of Manchester, UKBethany Rothwell
University of Manchester, UKAGAINST

Jeannette Jansen
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), GermanyJeannette Jansen
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
Charles Limoli
University of California, USACharles Limoli
University of California, USABalloon Debate – What has the best long-term potential for Flash for clinical application?
Friday, 2 December 2022 | 16:50- 17:35 CET
In the balloon debate, four different speakers will each present an argument and try to win approval from the audience. The last person in the balloon wins the debate.
The session concept is inspired by the idea that a hot air balloon has a puncture, which means that it needs to jettison some of those travelling within it if anyone is going to survive. The person presenting the best argument in the balloon debate “survives” by remaining in the balloon.

Marc Mendonca
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, IUPUI, USAMarc Mendonca
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, IUPUI, USACo-Chair

Elke Beyreuther
HZDR, GermanyElke Beyreuther
HZDR, GermanyPhotons

Billy W. Loo
Stanford University, USABilly W. Loo
Stanford University, USAProtons

John P. Perentesis
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, USAJohn P. Perentesis
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, USAVHEE & Electrons